The Sun has got his hat on ...

Date Added: 14/07/2017

In June, we experienced warm and sunny weather with very little rainfall and as each dry day passed, all we could do was hope for rain! Luckily our daily rain dances worked and it finally rained at the end of the month.

Now into July and our Cauliflower planting in Cornwall has finished. This Cauliflower will be ready to harvest around Christmas. Cauliflower for harvesting next March, April and May has also been planted in Lincolnshire.

While the sunshine has been beating down the Pea Viners have been working hard and after all their efforts, all the peas have now been harvested. 

We are now waiting for the corn to be ready to begin harvest and then the combine harvesters will be extremely busy bringing in the corn safely to the sheds.
Potatoes are being closely monitored, with digs for the trial potatoes being carried out. Hopefully, by the end of August, the Potatoes will be ready to harvest.
The bright green Cauliflower- Romanesco, also known as Roman Cauliflower, will soon be ready to harvest. Romanesco tastes like a milder and nuttier version of Cauliflower. It is excellent raw and cooked however it's even tastier roasted!

Believe it or not, Brussels Sprouts will soon be ready to be harvested too. Our first crop will be ready at the beginning of August in Suffolk and then Lincolnshire Sprouts will soon follow. 

Luckily for us, the pesky Pigeons have now moved onto Corn and peas and have left our Brassicas alone!


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