Frosty February

Date Added: 05/02/2018

February has arrived and brought extremely cold temperatures and lots of rain with it. Cornwall has had a very wet few months so far as they’ve only had 12 dry days since June. Even though it’s wet down in the South the Cauliflower is still very good quality.
Although soon we’ll start harvesting Cauliflower in Suffolk too. We grow Cauliflower in different parts of the UK such as Cornwall and Suffolk as they are less prone to severe frosts and this helps to supplement Lincolnshire Cauliflower throughout Winter and Early Spring.


This time of year, it’s a quieter time for us however we are keeping busy planning and maintaining our farm machinery making sure it’s in tip top working condition before the hustle and bustle of planting begins.
Although the pigeons are keeping us busy too, whilst we chase them around Lincolnshire trying to keep them off our Sprouts Tops!


Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Cauliflower, Cabbages and Leeks are currently at their best right now so why not add them to your menus. Check out our recipes on the website or follow us on Twitter @THClements1966 to find recipe inspiration or new ways to cook your favourite vegetables.

Purple Sprouting Broccoli is soon coming into season, where it is at its best. We enjoy cooking it until it’s Al Dente then dipping it into soft boiled eggs like ‘Soldiers’ or simply added to stir fries.


Whilst you’re still enjoying your Sprouts, believe it or not, our seedlings will soon be seeded in the glasshouses ready for Christmas 2018!


As Spring edges closer we’re hoping the rain disappears by the end of the month so we can hopefully begin planting. Even if the temperatures are still chilly as Spring appears, our early plants are planted under polythene to create a greenhouse effect to ensure they start to grow.
Once planting begins, blink and you will miss the brown and dormant Lincolnshire fields becoming full of rows of bright green plants with each module growing daily in the fertile soils.

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