North African Cauliflower Salad

Date Added: 02/07/2019

One of food's best-kept secrets is just how great Cauliflower is in a salad! 


In Britain we associate Cauliflower with Sunday lunch, cheese sauce, and maybe - just maybe - Gobi Masala or Cauliflower curry.

All delicious, of course, but they require one thing that dodges Cauliflower perfection - cooking! 
Raw Cauliflower is subtle, mild, nutty and thoroughly satisfying, with a lovely crunch.
So, if you find Cauliflower a tad too strongly flavoured when it's cooked - a touch too "brassic" - then raw is for you. 


The following recipe hails from North Africa and the Middle East, and has as many variations and nuances as there are chefs preparing it, so don't worry about varying quantities or ingredients - it'll work just fine. 

Eat as is, or serve with home-made Koftes, barbecued lamb or chicken, grilled tuna or halloumi cheese - whatever takes your fancy! 



Recipe - 



  • 1 firm, fresh head of cauliflower
  • 2 pomegranates (some supermarkets have the juicy seeds ready to go for ease.)
  • 100g fresh, green coriander, or to taste
  • 1 preserved lemon (can substitute fresh Lemon juice plus a little zest.)
  • 1 tbsp of pomegranate molasses (or honey, if unobtainable.)
  • 2 tsp of whole, toasted cumin seeds (black cumin if you can get it.)
  • Light sesame oil for dressing (extra-virgin olive oil is acceptable.)


  1. Carefully dismantle the cauliflower into large florets, and then work those down to small individual bite-sized florets! (the more delicate leaves and non-fibrous stems can be used as well for a more "artisan" look - or set aside for soup or stock making)
  2. Peel pomegranates and separate out the seeds
  3. Deseed and chop the preserved lemon fairly finely
  4. Chop the coriander coarsely
  5. Toast the cumin seeds lightly in a dry saucepan
  6. Add the above to a nice serving bowl, dress with the sesame oil and pomegranate molasses
  7. Toss together well and serve straight away
  8. Enjoy! 

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