Changeover November
Date Added: 09/11/2018
With UK Broccoli season coming to an end, our cultivation team are now working and ploughing land. The green fields of Lincolnshire will be slowly turning brown to a dormant Winter landscape until Spring.
Currently we are drilling rotational Grass and Winter Wheat to put Fibre back into land and give fields a rest from Brassicas.
Potato Harvesting is now finished, and our crop safely delivered to Potato stores. As we edge close to Christmas, our premium Lincolnshire Potatoes will be flying out of our Stores to the packers, eventually destined to be Roast or Mash Potatoes on Christmas Dinner places across the UK.
Equipment is being shipped to Cornwall ready for Cornish season to start.
We grow Cauliflower in Lincolnshire all year round however we plant Cauli's in Cornwall for harvesting between November and March to supplement. This is due to Cornwall being less prone to severe frosts than Lincolnshire throughout Winter.
Over Winter Pigeons love to feed on our tasty Spring Greens and Pointed Cabbage growing in the fields, so to prevent the pesky birds from obliterating our crops, we cover them in nets!
Keeps your eyes peeled for our new healthy living recipes to be launched on our website very soon starring our own Fresh Vegetables.
Don't forget to follow our Twitter page to find out what is happening at TH Clements, which vegetables are in season and discover new and exciting ways to cook all the fresh Lincolnshire Vegetables we offer. Follow @THClements1966