Where has the Summer gone?

Date Added: 15/08/2017

At the beginning of August, we experienced Autumn like weather conditions - cool temperatures with high rainfall. Thankfully we don't grow a lot of Wheat as it has been affected by the worst possible harvesting weather. 

However, the cooler and wetter weather has worked in our favour meaning that we have been harvesting extremely high quality Brassicas for this time of year. Fingers crossed the temperatures will start to rise, the sun starts shining again and Summer makes another appearance very soon! 


Lincolnshire Brussels Sprouts and Romanesco are ready and harvesting has now begun. Believe it or not, Sprouts are not just for Christmas as we grow Lincolnshire Sprouts from August through to Mark every year. 


Potato samples are being dug and sent away for analysis. They won't be ready for harvest until the beginning of September. All the Potato machinery has now been serviced and is ready for the mad rush of harvesting to begin. Hopefully, the weather is on our side and ensures we have the perfect lifting conditions for the Potato harvest. 


The seasons certainly roll around fast as currently we are busy planting and securing land for next year. Broccoli will be sown in the glass houses next month and these seedlings will be planted out in Spring, ready to harvest June 2018.


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