'Weather' we like it or not...

Date Added: 19/05/2021

We can’t change the weather; however, we can do our very best to adapt to the changing situations and take action, utilise farming practices to minimise damage to crops and to the flow of overall production. Accurate information regarding the weather is therefore vitally important so that all farm activities can be planned.


We are dependant on seasons and the weather. It influences all aspects of our production: planting, crop development, pest control, harvesting and many other farm activities carried out throughout the farming year. We are certainly experiencing more frequent extreme weather variations with the seasons, which are unfortunately beyond our control.


According to the Met Office it has been reported that April had seen its highest level of air frost in 60 years, this high level is more typically seen in the months of December to February. April’s usual average number of air frosts being 5 days whereas this year we had an average of 14 days. Ground frosts reached a record high of 22 days in April compared to an average of 12.


Despite long hours of sunshine during the day, April had the lowest average minimum temperature in the UK since 1922; and didn’t we feel it. ‘April Showers’ were certainly in short supply and alternatively we basked in sunshine, without the wonderful temperatures unfortunately, the UK has experienced its sunniest April on record, 225.1 hours, just topping the record set last year.


The combination of these weather elements has certainly made the last few weeks a little trickier within the farming community. The month of May already seems to be stomping its feet in protest at the cold temperatures and is now giving us a real mix of sunshine, heavy winds and rain; from just a few drops to an absolute downpour on occasions. Growing conditions seem favourable and our fields are coping well with the ever-changing conditions.




Our farm managers utilise all weather systems available to them to monitor the upcoming UK forecasts to gain the best knowledge to benefit our farming activities. Accurate weather monitoring is essential to achieving healthy plant growth and increased productivity.


Our planting programme is still in full swing, with Leeks, Broccoli, Sprouts, Cabbage and Cauliflower all now in the fields, growing well and some ready to harvest, all being well, at the beginning of June. We took delivery of new vehicles this month too, planting of seed potatoes in perfect conditions.



We have new season Summer Cauliflower for the beginning of June which will accompany any dish with a fresh, sweet taste after all this glorious sunshine and rain. With the warmer weather hopefully on its way give our North African Cauliflower Salad a try when having your barbeque in the sunshine.



The lockdown restrictions have been eased this month and with the re-opening of the Leisure, Hospitality and Entertainment industries, our products will be making their way to many kitchens in cafes, pubs & restaurants across the country. This is fantastic news and we would like to take this opportunity to wish all businesses the very best of luck, we know the UK public will show huge support for all that you do.

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